Six Tips To Make Your Electrolysis Experience Better

The hair removal process is no joke and can definitely take some dedication. Here are a list of things that’ll hopefully make your electrolysis experience just a little better.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is likely to make your skin more sensitive; save the coffee or diet coke after your appointment.


Being adequately hydrated can help with the pain of treatments. Hydrated skin can also help conduct the current which can aid in removal of the hair.


Make sure to exfoliate your skin before your appointment. Exfoliation can help remove blockages from the hair follicle opening and make insertions easier for the electrologist and less painful for you.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Sun Exposure can irritate your skin, especially if you have a sunburn and can make the procedure more painful. Avoid exposure for 24-48 hours before treatments, and use sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher.

Topical Numbing

Applying a topical numbing 30-50 minutes before treatments and covering it with plastic wrap can help with the pain. Yes, it will look a little odd, but it’s so it's worth it!

Skin Care

Make sure that your skin care routine is on point! It can be helpful to start using a cream that contains a tyrosine inhibitor, especially if you know you are prone to hyperpigmentation. Avoid creams that have retinoid for 1 week prior to you hair removal treatments.


Nose and Ear Hair